Celebration of life - In the world of chemicals ,organic life is in.
Got a chance to visit 'Green Path Restaurant' and to meet Jayaram Sir(founder of Green path).Its an amazing place with serene environment and 'ECO food' where each ingredient comes from his own organic farm.Green Path has beautiful terrace garden on top, an organic shop, an organic detox café and an eco-hotel.
He is very simple,generous and inspiring. At the end of our visit he offered us free shots of organic spiced tea which were so refreshing(I still remember the divine taste).
Where other food business are only concentrating on earning money ,Jayaram sir is protecting environment by using all natural resources- -rainwater-harvesting,solar energy,bio-gas energy,organic fertilizer and giving new life to forgotten food-the millet.

His own words:
'I’m a farmer by birth, and by default, our farm is in my village, where my father at 86 still ploughs the land, that’s the only way of life I have seen. I came to Bengaluru, became a lawyer, made my money, and decided to go back to being a farmer. I’ve almost quit my legal practise.
Life in Bengaluru is not good – it’s all artificial. I strongly believe organic is the only way forward. If only our farmers turned organic, they would hardly incur any farming costs, wouldn’t be in debt, and wouldn’t commit suicide.
On my farm, Sukrushi, started 18-years-ago on barren land, I grow fruits, vegetables. In Coorg I have another farm where I grow organic paddy and coffee.
My farm is run entirely on rain water – we are a “no borewell” model and have been awarded for this initiative. One day’s rain is enough for about 20 days of watering on the farm; we save every drop. I also adopt the “food forest” model of growing, where we do tree-based agriculture — it’s also called multi-storey farming – it allows for mulching. Everything gets generated on the farm – from manure to pesticide, naturally. I have trained the 15 people, who work on my 40-acre farm. I opened Era Organics earlier in Dollars Colony. Now in Malleswaram I run The Green Path, which has an organic shop, an organic detox café, an eco-hotel, and will soon have a full-fledged restaurant.'
If you are in Bangalore you must visit 'The Green path- organic state' restaurant,to feel an amazing experience with serene Environment and eco food !
Address:The Greenpath organic state,Opp Metro station, Mantri Mall ,Rajiv Gandhi circle, Banglore 20
Address:The Greenpath organic state,Opp Metro station, Mantri Mall ,Rajiv Gandhi circle, Banglore 20